With its overall height of just over 7 meters, this giant RBNVI machine is ready to leave our factory for Amman, Jordan. With a total of 720 packs of multi-filament polyester yarns for the carpet industry, the production per batch is approximately 2200 kg.
Its twin was bought by the same valued customer in 2017, so it’s almost time to double the daily production!
Legal Headquarter and Production
Via Alcide De Gasperi, 29/31
46040 Casalromano (MN) Italia
tel. +39 0376.76444
email: info@lorisbellini.com
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Via XI Febbraio, 26
20021 Bollate (MI) Italia
tel. +39 02 3330871
email: commerciale@lorisbellini.com
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Loris Bellini Srl
C.F / P.IVA: 00208060202
Cap. Soc: 103.896 € i.v.
pec: lorisbellinimn@legalmail.it